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Birthday Dresses

December 12, 2012

Yes, I had birthday. No, I didn’t throw a party so no, I didn’t make myself a dress, let alone two. On my birthday, I gave myself: time. I let my “roommate” go to work, let the kids go to school/daycare, ruled out any house chores, and just relaxed. Examples of relaxing activities include take a bath, go shopping (hey, without a buggy you can actually try on some clothes!), sew without or with little time restriction (I usually only have an hour or so at night or at nap times so an 8-hour day of sewing is a treat). This year I chose the latter, and made my girls matching dresses for the upcoming family reunion. So these are actually Xmas dresses, made on my birthday.

I really only decided to make Xmas dresses because I came across this fabric, which the lady at the store kindly pulled from the stands for a week, while I was deciding what patterns I’d used and how much she’d have to cut for me. There are advantages in being a regular customer. The fabric is a cream corduroy with same color embroidery and purple sequins that represent flowers and leaves. Something I knew would please my girly girl.

For DM, I chose to make a new version of Willemientje, this one without an underskirt. Only the bodice is lined. Contrary to what I usually do, I didn’t understitch the lining, because I’d rather like the purple peeking out. No change compared to the last one or to the instructions, except I used a size 128 in width and length, reinforced the godet points with silk organza, used a 22cm-zipper instead of a 40cm- as prescribed, and decided to use a feature of my sewing machine for the first time: the scalloped hem. I’m really happy with how that came out, with the beginning/end almost invisible, and the cream-colored bobbin thread. I thought this version would sew much faster but some details did eat up some time nevertheless, mostly cutting away the sequins on the seam lines and cutting away the extra fabric on the 3.5 meters (!) of hem after the machine was done with the scalloped hem. My wrist hurt, I tell you. I also finished all the seams with one the overcast stitches of my machine and then cut away the excess fabric, I wouldn’t want DM to have bits of cord thread sticking to her tights when she wears this. But it was all worth it:

For DN I knew I wanted something that would sew fast and that she would be able to walk as well as crawl around in. This dress pattern from Ottobre, named Viviella, qualified:

The most time-consuming step on this one was the shirring, because I didn’t have elastic for the bobbin and had to zigzag over the elastic lines instead, which was somewhat easier than my first time doing it. I did consider doing a scalloped hem on this one as well but I think a normal hem is sturdier and more appropriate for the crawling around. So there:

And the whole partner look:

And because incidentally, these garments fulfill all the conditions, I’m going to enter the Pattern Review Sewing for Children Contest so have a look there in the first January week if you’re a member and vote for Willemientje and lil’ sister Viviella if you think they’re worthy. I will try (emphasis on try) to shoot pics of the outfits styled for Xmas.

7 Comments leave one →
  1. December 12, 2012 15:39

    Sounds like you had a good birthday. It’s a wonderful thing to have time just for yourself to create. So nice of you to make dresses for your girls. You did a great job!


  2. lembrony permalink
    December 12, 2012 17:34

    Qu’elles sont belles tes filles Ghains, et félicitation pour les robes. L’une comme l’autre sont adorables. Elles ont beaucoup de chance de t’avoir comme maman.
    Joli cadeau d’anniversaire du temps pour soi. J’y penserai…


    • December 12, 2012 18:39

      Oui, avec ta tribu, ca serait peut-etre LE cadeau 🙂


  3. December 12, 2012 19:11

    They’re gorgeous, and the dresses are so sweet.
    Happy birthday G!


  4. Jhulysdiary permalink
    December 12, 2012 19:29

    Your girls look adorable in the cute little dresses you made for them. The sixth picture is to love (*_*)! It makes me wanna kiss her on the cheeks ;-)!


  5. December 15, 2012 22:45

    elles sont très belles ces robes !!


  6. December 21, 2012 20:02

    Schönen guten Tag lin3arossa,

    vielleicht hast Du es nicht mitbekommen. Bei unserem zweiten Gewinnspiel hast Du zwei Zeitschriften und zwei Einzelschnittmuster gewonnen.

    Kannst Du bitte Deine Postadresse an schicken, damit ich Dir die Zeitschriften zuschicken kann?

    Ich wünsche Dir frohes Fest und einen guten Rutsch ins Neujahr.

    Viele liebe Grüße,



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