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Passerine Overall

August 9, 2015

“OMG is this cute!!!” was my first thought upon seeing this garment in Ottobre last spring:

And this is my version, realised shortly after:

As you can see, you don’t see a thing. Because when I made the overalls a few months ago, DN was not in full control of her bladder yet. And so the first time she wore them to daycare, a malheur happened due to the fact that she had not managed to take them off on time. After that, understandably, she didn’t want to wear them again, to the point that this running away picture is all I manage to have. She just would not wear these, let alone being captured in picture doing it.

So I decided to refashion them. Because there was no way this cotton jersey from a trip in Berlin would go to waste. The plan was to open up the waist seam, add a peplum to the bodice and an elastic waistband to the pants. After a few weeks of procrastination, I literally had my seam ripper in one hand and the garment in the other when she saw me yesterday, and claimed that these were hers and she wanted to wear them. Tadaa:

She loves them now. She still needs help to remove the sleeves if she wants to pipi so I don’t think I’ll let her wear them to daycare…

3 Comments leave one →
  1. August 9, 2015 15:51

    What a doll your DN is! And the jumper is cute as can be. Why do I have no grandchildren to sew for?


  2. August 10, 2015 23:09

    Omg that face!! 😂 Kids are so funny sometimes, glad you didn’t have to use the seam ripper after all.


  3. Sandra permalink
    August 11, 2015 21:58

    So cute – love the outfit.


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